Membership Applications

Membership year: 1 Jul to 30 Jun
Membership subscription cost (1st year): $75 prorated
Membership subscription cost (annual): $75

Application Process (summary):

Steps Process  
1 Qualifying trip Participate in a qualifying trip: introduction and familiarisation – Prerequisite
2 Membership Application Complete an application form
3 Published Prospective membership published on LRC website (members only)
4 Acceptance Members vote to accept membership application
5 Payment Invoice sent out and membership subscription paid

It is important that prospective members attend the qualifying trip before completing their application form. Contact the Trip Coordinator to participate in a suitable trip. A Membership Application form can be completed at the end of your qualifying trip (see Trip Leader) or requested from the Membership Secretary following completion of your qualifying trip.

Applicants should be aware that as a condition of membership that you agree to abide by the LRC Constitution.

For a more detailed explanation of this process, please refer to the LRC Membership Application Process.

Trip Leaders: You will be advised of prospective members booked on your trip if it has been considered a membership “qualifying trip”, and a Membership Application form will be attached. You will be requested to print a Membership Application form for each of those prospective members on your trip and to have them complete and sign the form. Also, you will be asked to “propose” the prospective members and have another LRC member on the trip to “second” the proposals.

You will then be required to email a scan or photo of the completed Applications to the Membership Secretary before the next Ordinary meeting or otherwise advise the Membership Secretary that the prospective member has been proposed. Original form is then presented to the Membership Secretary at the next Ordinary meeting.

Membership Secretary:

Membership Enquiries: If you have any enquiries about Membership or Qualifying Trips, please go to: Membership Enquiries