Historic Vehicles
Historic Vehicles and Concessional Registrations
Owners of vehicles that are 30 years old or more can apply for a concessional registration. These registrations can cost much less than normal registration. A person who applies for a concessional registration must be a financial member of and appropriate affiliated club and must meet other conditions including some restricted use.
The Land Rover Club of the ACT can offer our financial members access to both the ACT and NSW concessional registration schemes. This can be great reason to become a club member. To learn more on how to become a member, go to our Membership Application page.
Historic Vehicles and Concessional Registrations
Owners of vehicles that are 30 years old or more can apply for a concessional registration. These registrations can cost much less than normal registration. A person who applies for a concessional registration must be a financial member of and appropriate affiliated club and must meet other conditions including some restricted use.
The Land Rover Club of the ACT can offer our financial members access to both the ACT and NSW concessional registration schemes. For more information on registering a vehicle under the ACT’s Concessional Registration Scheme or the NSW Conditional Registration, please contact the Club Registrar, Rick Robins.
LRC members who have a vehicle with concessional/conditional registration in the ACT or NSW can participate in any published club event with the Event Type Trip. The use of historic vehicles on published club events are in addition to any allowance for personal use. As well, LRC trips that are run specifically for historic vehicles will be publish with the trip Event Type Trip – CRV.
Membership Renewals are due each year by 31 July. Rick Robins (Registrar) has advised that members who hold concessional registration must be paid up members of the club, or their concessional registration is void.
ACT Concessional Registration Scheme (CRS)
Change in Vehicle Registration Rules for Conditional Veteran, Vintage, and Historic Vehicles
As from 3 Apr 2023, arrangements for vehicles registered under the conditional veteran, vintage and historic (VVH) vehicle registration has changed from the existing distance-based limit to a day-based limit. Operators of VVH vehicles will require a new logbook that must be completed each day they use the vehicle to ensure compliance.
New Scheme (from 3 Apr 2023)
The Council of ACT Motor Clubs (CACTMC) co-manages the ACT’s Concessional Registration Scheme (CRS) in partnership with the ACT Road Transport Authority (RTA). As stated in the CACTMC By Laws developed from the recently signed MOU, every vehicle must be physically inspected prior to registration renewal. It is a legal requirement of renewal for the details of the vehicle and owner’s membership to be verified by the registrar before signing the completed form. For further information: CACTMC By Laws.
The CRS provides for the registration of veteran, vintage and historic vehicles and motor cycles at a concessional rate under the following conditions:
- The owner must be a financial member of a club affiliated with the CACTMC
- The vehicle must have been manufactured at least 30 years prior
- The vehicle must comply with the RTA/Council modification policy for VVH vehicles
- Vehicle use must comply with the Government’s CRS rules
- The registered vehicles is not used on more than 60 days per registration year. Club endorsed rallies and events are not included in the 60 day use.
- The registered operator is to record, at the start of each day’s use, every day’s use of the vehicle in a logbook obtained from Access Canberra.
- Logbooks must be endorsed by an affiliated club and registered operators must always carry them in the vehicle whenever the vehicle is used on a road or road related area.
- The vehicle must be endorsed annually by the Registrar of the club to which the vehicle’s owner belongs. The logbook has a section towards the front that allows for club details, membership number and signature of an authorised person (Registrar). Registrars are required to endorse the logbook annually. Operators MUST ensure that their logbook is correctly endorsed, otherwise the operator may incur traffic infringements.
The above conditions are for information purposes only. Vehicle operators must refer to the conditions and requirements detailed in the ACT guidelines and regulations available from Access Canberra.
Further details on veteran, vintage and historic registration in ACT is available from:
- ACT Access Canberra.
- ACT Guidelines: Conditional Registration Arrangements Veteran Vintage and Historic Vehicles (3 Apr 2023)
- Council Of ACT Motor Clubs – CRS
NSW Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)
The NSW government has developed the Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS) for registration of modified vehicles in NSW. The new scheme caters for vehicles 30 and older which do not conform to the current Historic scheme. To be eligible, the vehicle and the owner must both reside in NSW.
The NSW system is similar to the ACT system in that vehicles can be used up to a maximum of 60 days per year for any purpose. These 60 days do not include Club authorised events, which are additional to the 60 days use. Like the ACT scheme, vehicle usage must be recorded in a log book.
In addition to standard historic vehicles over 30 years of age (meaning only period and safety modifications are permitted), the NSW system also had a modified class for vehicles over 30 years of age that have been modified.
This information is provided for Land Rover Club members who are NSW residents and who may have eligible vehicles registered in NSW. Further details on veteran, vintage and historic registration in NSW is available from NSW Government – Classic vehicles.
Series Vehicles Group
Interesting Links:
Series in the Snowys
This is a small photo collection of Land Rover Series 1 vehicles used by the Snowy Mountains Scheme in 1949-50. Captions are from original text on the back of photos.
Photo Gallery:
(Please email additional photos – with title and caption – to Website Manager: websitemanager@lrc.org.au)